Against COVID -19 the UAV market gradually recovered amidst volatility–TTA new products testing and research never stops


Against COVID -19 the UAV market gradually recovered amidst volatility

TTA new products testing and research never stops


UAVs have been used in industrial sectors such as manufacturing, public utilities, agriculture, movies, security and etc.

During the epidemic, drones have proven to the world that they play a vital role in the transportation of key materials, monitor the most dangerous frontline situations and in many places due to considerations of epidemic prevention and environmental protection fireworks display events has been replaced by drone light shows.

The agricultural industry seems to have embraced drone technology with open arms, using these advanced tools to transform modern farming. Drones are being deployed in a growing number of provinces in China.


In the second half of the year, against COVID -19 the market gradually recovered amidst volatility.

Right now we resume drone training courses and customers come to TTA to visit and experience. In the meantime new products testing and research never stops.




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