Drones from Present to Future


Drones from Present to Future – News pressed by Hungarian Agriculture
TTA Drones Were the Illustration

Recently, more and more conferences on precision technologies, on agri -nationalisation, have been held all over the country, but few events have been held on the operation of drones. At present, technological development and practical application have overtaken legislation, and therefore a clear situation needs to be created as soon as possible in such undesirable situations.

For this reason, farmers, users of this modern technology, expect to be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities that are otherwise available, starting with the words Gyuricza Chaba, the Drones in Agriculture association, hosting a conference in Ghetto on the 28th of May. According to the Director -General of the Centre for National Agricultural Research and Innovation, technological innovations are raising more and more questions, to which the NAIK has called this conference to respond, so that those interested in this can discuss the opportunities in this regard.

“It is now clear that drone technology is developing uncontrollably and is spreading more and more.”

Within five to eight years, drones are expected to take over the role of ground -based machinery in plant protection, as well as in many other areas, such as vegetation, soil status testing and other agricultural work.

As a result, Hungary’s agricultural output could be increased by 300 -350 billion forints  a year, using precision technologies on a wide scale, and drone technology could play a key role in the coming period, underlined by Gyuricza Csaba.

The Council Chamber of the NAIK Institute for Agricultural Machinery is almost full, as there is a great deal of interest from practitioners who participated in this conference to inform the agricultural market, the aviation authority, the Food Safety Agency, researchers and the Institute. Its position on the operation of drones in order to obtain accurate information in an organised, expert framework.

Participants at the conference were informed of the opinion of the specialised library on the possibility of using spray -dryers, the use of weather conditions between difficulties and the fact that the experts present were informed that:

Legislation has already started to be prepared to facilitate the use of drones, with the help of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Directorate for Plant, Land and Agricultural Environment and experts and development engineers for drone operation.

As was said at the hearing, this technology also allows for the collection of data which will contribute to the speeding up of the licensing task.

The conference also discussed the European Union’s drone regulation concept, the conditions for the use of spray drones, air plant protection and the use of drone vegetation, the authorisation of experiments with pesticides and crop enhancers. In addition to providing a regulated droplet training (CDA) technology, participants in the event were familiar with the activities of the Machinery Institute for Aeroscopic Drones. The workshop was closed by a drone installation and a children’s drawing exhibition in the Institute’s laboratory entitled’Game of Dragons’.



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